Our country, our economy, our industry and our musician friends and clients, we are all going through with great concern this time of great difficulty due to the ongoing pandemic. We must admit that we have been very undecided whether or not to organize the celebrations of our 60th anniversary of activity.

In the end, the desire to say thanks to all those who work and collaborate with us and who still allow us to be present in all the main international markets prevailed in us.

Our company produces accordions that go all over the world to excite fans in many different musical genres. For this reason, the only way we could have to celebrate our anniversary was to organize a concert that included different types of music and that was held by artists from different countries and cultures. The artists who in an absolutely disinterested way helped us to realize this concert are well aware that they represent the very large family of wonderful musicians who have chosen a Bugari instrument to express themselves artistically at the highest levels, each in their own musical way and in their own style.

For this we can only conclude by thanking everyone, first of all those who every day allow us to preserve the high craftsmanship and quality of our accordions, allowing our company to remain an excellence of the territory-

Long live to the most beautiful instrument in the World : THE ACCORDION!!!

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BUGARI ARMANDO s.r.l. - 60022 S.S. 16 Km 315,150 (Via Adriatica, 23) - Castelfidardo - Italy
Tel.+39 071.781584 (2 linee r.a.) - Fax +39 071.781660 - P.IVA 01295070427